Red Panda

Red Panda

Ailurus fulgens


They are herbivores and eat mostly bamboo leaves, but will snack on other fruits if given the option.


They reside in Nepal, Myanmar, and central China in high-altitude forests and shrublands. They live in forested mountain slopes with a bamboo understory, usually with an altitude between 4,500-15,000 ft.


They are solitary


They have soft, dense fur covering their body to keep them warm in their high altitude environment, including a bushy tail that helps with balance and acts as a blanket. They are approximately the size of a housecat and resemble a raccoon more than a giant panda.

Did you Know?

Red pandas live in the cool, high-altitude forests of Nepal, Myanmar, and Central China.

How can I Help?

Their population has declined more than 50% over past 20 years. There are only 2,500 red pandas left in wild. Habitat loss/fragmentation, illegal trade, exploitation of forest resources, disease, and climate change are the main reasons for their populations' intense decline.

Least Concern
Least Concern
Near Threatened
Near Threatened
Critically Endangered
Critically Endangered
Extinct in the Wild
Extinct in the Wild
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