
What does it mean?
A vulnerable species is likely to become endangered unless the reasons they are vulnerable are fixed and/or they are able to increase reproduction. For example, an animal that has a decreasing population due to hunting, may be placed in a protected status so they cannot be hunted. In addition, education on their importance to the ecosystem may be provided so that people understand the risk of losing this species.

A Vulnerable species possess a very high risk of extinction as a result of rapid population declines of 30 to more than 50 percent over the previous 10 years (or three generations), a current population size of fewer than 1,000 individuals, or other factors.
Asian small-clawed otters are the smallest of the 13 otter species, featuring sleek bodies with dark brown fur on top and lighter tan on their bellies. Their front paws have small, partially webbed claws that aid in grooming and handling food. These otters are excellent swimmers with great vision both underwater and on land, making it easy for them to spot food. Social and playful, they often work together in groups, showcasing their busy and lively personalities!
African spurred tortoises are well-adapted for desert life! Their brownish or yellowish shells provide camouflage against predators, while their thick scales protect their limbs and heads. Unique enlarged spurs on their hind limbs help them dig burrows up to 10 feet deep, keeping them cool and conserving moisture. Their thick skin minimizes water loss, allowing them to thrive in arid environments, and they get most of their water from the succulent plants they eat.
Snow leopards are incredible big cats known for their thick, warm fur, typically pale gray or cream-colored, with rosettes and spots that provide natural camouflage in snowy mountain habitats. Their long, fluffy tails help them balance on rocky slopes and keep warm in cold weather. They have large paws that act like snowshoes, enabling them to walk on soft snow without sinking. With enlarged nasal passages, snow leopards can breathe easily in cold mountain air without experiencing a brain freeze!
Military macaws are stunning birds with bright green feathers and a brilliant red forehead. Their bare white faces can change color; when excited or upset, they may turn pink, similar to flushed cheeks. Their tail feathers are blue, topped with shorter red feathers, the undersides a yellow. They have a dark grey beak, and lighter grey legs both covered in hardened keratin to keep them safe. These intelligent macaws are often likened to flying primates, they are believed to be as smart as human toddlers!
Large turtles with dark shells and yellow spots on their heads are easy to identify. Females can grow up to 18 inches long, twice the size of males. They tuck their heads sideways into their shells for protection.
Eastern Box Turtles are small, with dome-shaped shells that are usually brown they have yellow or orange patterns on their legs and head. Rarely swimming, they prefer land, as their tall shells make water movement challenging.