Mill Mountain Zoo features many types of animals.

Mammals are warm-blooded (can regulate their body temperature) and vertebrate (has a backbone) animals. This includes humans! They have fur or hair, they give birth to live young, can produce milk for their young, and often-times have a more well-developed brains than other types of animals.
Black bears are fascinating animals known for their thick, shaggy fur, which keeps them warm in winter. While called "black," they can be blue-gray, blue-black, brown, cinnamon, blonde, or even very rarely white! Smaller than grizzly bears, they are still strong and agile. With strong, curved claws, black bears excel at climbing trees and digging for food. Their curious nature often leads them to explore their habitats. Our bear goes into hibernation around Thanksgiving and wakes up about three months later, so if you don’t see her, she may be hibernating!
The American Guinea Hog has a thin, wiry black coat that leaves their skin sensitive to the sun. To protect themselves, they often roll in mud, which shields them from the sun and insects. With large, upright ears covered in hair, they keep dirt and bugs out while foraging for food. Their flexible snouts are excellent for digging up tasty treats.
Asian small-clawed otters are the smallest of the 13 otter species, featuring sleek bodies with dark brown fur on top and lighter tan on their bellies. Their front paws have small, partially webbed claws that aid in grooming and handling food. These otters are excellent swimmers with great vision both underwater and on land, making it easy for them to spot food. Social and playful, they often work together in groups, showcasing their busy and lively personalities!
Bennett's Wallabies, also known as Red-Necked Wallabies, resemble kangaroos but are smaller, standing about 3 feet tall. They have darker muzzles and paws, and their large ears can rotate 180 degrees for better hearing. With strong legs and thick tails, they balance and hop with ease, making these adorable creatures a delightful sight in the wild!
Indian crested porcupines are among the largest rodents globally, featuring dark brown quills that provide excellent defense against predators. As rodents, their teeth continuously grow, prompting them to chew on wood and hard vegetables to wear them down. When threatened, their long quills around the head and neck stand up, creating an impressive spiky crown. They can also make a rattling sound by shaking their quills, which serves as a warning to potential threats. These adaptations help them survive in the wild and avoid danger.
Myotonic Goats, commonly black and white due to early breeding preferences, have distinctive rectangular pupils that provide excellent peripheral vision to spot predators. They are often raised for their meat because they are easy to contain and reproduce quickly, making them a popular choice for farmers seeking reliable livestock!
Eurasian Lynx are medium-sized cats known for their varied coats, which can be spotted, striped, or unpatterned. Their fur color changes with the seasons, helping them blend into their surroundings. they have the iconic black tipped ear tufts that are known with most lynx and bobcat species. With long legs and large, snowshoe-like paws, they navigate through snow effortlessly. Their short tails and distinctive black-tipped ear tufts add to their unique appearance. As the largest lynx species, they are impressive hunters, thriving in diverse habitats from forests to mountains.
Pallas Cats, or Manuls, are unique small cats adapted for survival in extreme temperatures. Their flat foreheads and low-set ears help them hide while hunting, and their pupils close into small circles, distinguishing them from other cats. With a thick, shaggy coat that can withstand temperatures as low as -60ºF, they stay warm in frigid environments. Their long, bushy tails provide balance and additional warmth, making them perfectly suited to their cold habitats!
Raccoons are adorable animals known for their bandit-like black eye markings and thick gray coats. Their tails have alternating black and gray stripes, making them easily recognizable. One of their coolest features is their flexible front paws with five toes, allowing them to grasp and manipulate objects like food and doorknobs. Their long, bushy tails help them balance while climbing trees or swimming, showcasing their clever and resourceful nature!
Red Foxes are beautiful animals known for their reddish-brown fur, which varies from a light auburn to bright red to dark tones. They have a soft white underbelly, throat, chin, and tip to their tail, giving them a very specific look. Some foxes can even have dark or silver fur! A distinctive feature is their bushy tail with a white tip, which helps with balance, communication, and warmth when they curl up to sleep. Red Foxes are clever and playful creatures, loving to pounce and play.
Red pandas have soft, dense fur that keeps them warm in cold, high-altitude habitats. Their bushy tails help them balance while climbing trees and can wrap around them for extra warmth. About the size of a housecat, they resemble raccoons with their round faces and markings. Known for their playful and curious nature, red pandas spend much of their time in trees, where they enjoy munching on bamboo, their favorite food!
Red wolves are often mistaken for coyotes due to their similar appearance. Their fur can vary in color, but they typically have a reddish coat, accented with a black-tipped tail and lighter fur around their muzzle and mouth. Compared to their gray wolf relatives, red wolves are smaller and generally less aggressive, making them unique among canids. These wolves are an important part of their ecosystem, helping to maintain the balance by controlling prey populations!
Snow leopards are incredible big cats known for their thick, warm fur, typically pale gray or cream-colored, with rosettes and spots that provide natural camouflage in snowy mountain habitats. Their long, fluffy tails help them balance on rocky slopes and keep warm in cold weather. They have large paws that act like snowshoes, enabling them to walk on soft snow without sinking. With enlarged nasal passages, snow leopards can breathe easily in cold mountain air without experiencing a brain freeze!
The Vietnamese Pot-bellied Pig is naturally plain black but comes in various colors due to breeding, including shades of brown and spotted varieties. Known for their large bellies and short legs, they have a distinctive round "pot-bellied" appearance. These pigs are often smaller than typical farm pigs, making them a popular choice for those with limited space.

Reptiles are cold-blooded (animals that cannot regulate their temperature) and vertebrate (has a spine) animals. They have dry skin covered with scales or bony plates and usually lay soft-shelled eggs.
African spurred tortoises are well-adapted for desert life! Their brownish or yellowish shells provide camouflage against predators, while their thick scales protect their limbs and heads. Unique enlarged spurs on their hind limbs help them dig burrows up to 10 feet deep, keeping them cool and conserving moisture. Their thick skin minimizes water loss, allowing them to thrive in arid environments, and they get most of their water from the succulent plants they eat.
The Black and White Argentine Tegu is the largest tegu species, known for its striking black and white coloration and beautiful patterns of black bands across its body. Males have larger jowls, or "chubby cheeks," to attract mates. These reptiles have a forked tongue, which helps them detect scents from various directions, enhancing their awareness of their surroundings. Terrestrial creatures, tegus are excellent diggers, skilled at finding food and shelter!
Burmese Pythons are large snakes with smooth scales in shades of brown, yellow, and tan, adorned with darker blotches for camouflage. They have sharp, backward-curving teeth and use constriction instead of venom, wrapping tightly around their prey to suffocate it. This makes them powerful hunters in the wild!
Corn snakes are small to medium-sized, usually orange or brownish-yellow with reddish spots outlined in black. Their bellies have a black-and-white checkerboard pattern. Non-venomous and gentle, they come in various colors and are popular pets.
Eastern Box Turtles are small, with dome-shaped shells that are usually brown they have yellow or orange patterns on their legs and head. Rarely swimming, they prefer land, as their tall shells make water movement challenging.
Adult Eastern Ratsnakes are black with a black-and-white checkerboard belly. Young snakes have dark spots on gray bodies that fade over time. They’re often mistaken for Black Racers, but unlike Racers, they have rougher scales and a checkerboard belly.
The red-eared slider is a popular turtle native to the Southern United States and northern Mexico, known for the bright red markings behind its eyes. While once considered great pets, many were released into the wild after owners realized their long lifespan and care needs. Their adaptability and skill at finding food have made them invasive in many areas, often outcompeting local turtle species. In the wild, they enjoy basking on rocks or logs and swimming in ponds and lakes. If you want a turtle as a pet, keep it at home!
The red-tailed boa is a large, strong snake with smooth, shiny scales in a beautiful mix of browns, tans, and grays, accented by dark oval spots along its back. Its striking reddish-brown tail gives it its name. With a head wider than its neck, it has a unique arrow shape. This impressive snake is not only visually stunning but also a fascinating creature!
These turtles display shell colors ranging from light tan to yellow-green to olive, often featuring brown or black markings on their larger scutes, the covering on the shell. The plastron, or underside, usually has brown or black blotches and can sometimes be entirely black. This stunning variety in colors and patterns helps them blend seamlessly into their natural habitats!
Tentacled Snakes are aquatic snakes with flat bodies, rough scales, and two tentacles on their face for sensing nearby animals. Their stick-like look helps them blend in, and they stay still to guide fish close before striking quickly!
Wood Turtles have a flat, rough carapace with irregular growth layers and grooves on each scute. Unlike most turtles, these scutes don't shed annually, leading to unique shell appearances over time. The back of the carapace flares out with a serrated edge, typically black, adorned with striking yellow or black stripes. The plastron, or underside, is a soft pale yellow. This distinctive shell design offers protection in their natural habitat!
Large turtles with dark shells and yellow spots on their heads are easy to identify. Females can grow up to 18 inches long, twice the size of males. They tuck their heads sideways into their shells for protection.

Amphibians are cold-blooded (animals that cannot regulate their temperature), aquatic (water-living) young, and vertebrate (has a spine) animals. Unlike reptiles, they do not have scales. They often have a terrestrial (land-living) adult stage but need to be near water throughout their life.
The Blue Poison Dart Frog, or Azureus Dart Frog, displays various shades of blue, often having black spots. Their coloration can range from deep blue to light sky blue. Many settlers believe these vibrant frogs were used by natives to create dye for fabrics, earning them the name Dyeing Dart Frogs. Their bright colors not only make them striking, but also serve as a warning to predators about their toxicity!
Bumblebee dart frogs are vibrant and colorful, displaying shades of yellow, gold, or orange with striking black or brown patches. They have adhesive pads on their toes for climbing trees and plants and sticky tongues for catching insects and small bugs. Found in tropical rainforests, these small frogs thrive in warm, humid environments. Known for their loud chirping calls, they are not only beautiful but also play a vital role in their ecosystems!
Golden Dart Frogs come in various colors, primarily shiny metallic gold and minty green. Some have small black marks on their noses and toes. As young frogs, they start off completely black with golden stripes that spread as they grow. The Golden Poison Dart Frog is the most poisonous of all dart frogs. Unique among frogs, they have four unwebbed toes on each foot and a bony, teeth-like plate in their upper jaw!

Birds are warm-blooded (can regulate their body temperature), egg-laying, and vertebrate (has a backbone) animals. They have wings (though some cannot fly), feathers, and a beak.
Bald Eagles are magnificent birds with dark brown bodies and striking white feathers on their heads and tails. Their bright yellow beaks and feet stand out beautifully. They can soar at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour while gliding. Immature Bald Eagles are mostly brown with mottled white feathers and take about five years to develop their adult coloring.
Barn owls are easily recognizable by their distinctive heart-shaped, light-colored faces. Their bodies are covered in a mix of pale, tawny, and dark brown feathers, often spotted for camouflage in their habitats. A notable feature of barn owls is their asymmetrical ears, with one ear positioned higher than the other, helping them pinpoint sounds. Their exceptional hearing allows them to hunt even in complete darkness!
Blue-Bellied Rollers are small birds with large heads. They have downward-curved beaks for catching insects and short legs for perching. Their plumage features a cream-colored head and chest, dark blue bellies and wings, with a light blue stripe on their wings and tail. Their tails have two streamers that trail behind them in flight, adding to their beauty and making them easily recognizable.
Domestic animals are bred for human use, and domestic ducks are typically larger than wild species. Most are descendants of the Mallard Duck, except for the Muscovy Duck, which has red facial markings and originates from Mexico and Argentina. Many Muscovy Ducks are now seen swimming in U.S. ponds and lakes!
Florida Sandhill Cranes are the most abundant in the world! Tall birds with long legs and necks, they wade through shallow waters and tall grasses. A distinctive patch of bald, red skin on their heads adds to their unique appearance. Known for their elegant movements and beautiful dances, they often gather in large flocks. Cranes can fly at speeds up to 40 miles per hour and migrate thousands of miles in V-shaped formations, showcasing their impressive flying abilities.
Military macaws are stunning birds with bright green feathers and a brilliant red forehead. Their bare white faces can change color; when excited or upset, they may turn pink, similar to flushed cheeks. Their tail feathers are blue, topped with shorter red feathers, the undersides a yellow. They have a dark grey beak, and lighter grey legs both covered in hardened keratin to keep them safe. These intelligent macaws are often likened to flying primates, they are believed to be as smart as human toddlers!
The Resplendent Nicobar Pigeon has shiny blue-green feathers with copper hints and long, shimmering hackles in black and purple. With a round body and small head, they are one of the most colorful pigeons!
Northern Bobwhite Quails have beautifully patterned feathers in shades of brown, tan, rust, and black, providing excellent camouflage in their natural habitat. Males feature a striking black-and-white head pattern, while females have a softer appearance with a tan throat and eyebrows. This unique coloring helps them evade predators and adds to their charm, making them a delightful sight when spotted!
The Northern Mockingbird is a gray bird with a white wing stripe that’s visible in flight. Known for mimicking sounds, it imitates other birds and even car alarms to stay safe. If you hear unusual bird sounds, it might be a clever Northern Mockingbird!
The Red-Billed Blue Magpie are colorful birds have bright red bills that stand out against their blue bodies. Their black heads feature a speckled crown and orange skin around their eyes, adding charm. One of their coolest traits is their long, bright blue tails that spread into a diamond shape when they fly. As part of the corvid family, which includes crows, they are known for their intelligence and playful, mischievous nature!
The Superb Starling is a small, short-tailed starling with long, narrow beaks and round bodies. Adults are striking, with black heads and iridescent feathers that shimmer in blue and green. Their vibrant red-orange bellies are separated from the blue chests by a white bar, while their under-tail feathers and wing linings are also white.
White-Crested Laughing Thrushes have bright white crowns and dark masks around their eyes, with russet-brown bodies. Known for their loud “laughing” calls, these social birds are often heard before they’re seen!
The Wood Duck is a medium-sized bird known for its stunning appearance. Males are especially colorful, showcasing iridescent plumage and striking red eyes, along with a distinctive white flare down their necks. Females, while less colorful, have their own charm with a white eye-ring and a whitish throat. Both sexes feature unique crested heads, making them unique from the common duck.