Red-Tailed Boa

Red-Tailed Boa

Boa constrictor


Snakes, including the Red-tailed Boa, are carnivores. When they are younger, these boas often eat mice, small birds, lizards, and frogs. But, as they get older and bigger, so does their prey. At their largest they can eat monkeys, capybaras, caiman, and wild pigs!


Red-tailed Boas live in Northern Mexico, Central America, and down through Argentina in South America. They prefer areas with hollow logs, abandoned mammal burrows, and tree branches. They can often be found in woodlands, semi-arid (kind of dry) forests, tropical rainforests, deserts, grasslands, and farm fields.


Red-tailed boas are nocturnal and often solitary.


The red-tailed boa is a large, strong snake with smooth, shiny scales in a beautiful mix of browns, tans, and grays, accented by dark oval spots along its back. Its striking reddish-brown tail gives it its name. With a head wider than its neck, it has a unique arrow shape. This impressive snake is not only visually stunning but also a fascinating creature!

Did you Know?

Red-Tailed Boas are ovoviviparous, meaning that they have live young. There are approximately 20% of snake species that do this, and the babies are often totally independent after birth.

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Least Concern
Least Concern
Near Threatened
Near Threatened
Critically Endangered
Critically Endangered
Extinct in the Wild
Extinct in the Wild
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