Non-Releasable Due to Injury

What does it mean?
Animals may become injured when they are in the wild and then are taken to a rehabilitation center. Those that are not able to be re-released to the wild may be used in zoos or museums for education purposes.

Non-Releasable Due to Injury
Unfortunately, many animals are the victim to injuries and accidents every day. Some wild animals are able to be taken to a rehabilitation center were they are provided care and treatment based on their needs. While the goal is always to return an animal to the wild, this is not always possible. The animal may have lose it vision, no longer be able to fly, or have a disease that requires on-going medical treatment. The Mill Mountain Zoo has taken some of these animals so we can teach our community about the species, but also assure the animal remains safe and receives the care it needs.
Bald Eagles are magnificent birds with dark brown bodies and striking white feathers on their heads and tails. Their bright yellow beaks and feet stand out beautifully. They can soar at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour while gliding. Immature Bald Eagles are mostly brown with mottled white feathers and take about five years to develop their adult coloring.
Raccoons are adorable animals known for their bandit-like black eye markings and thick gray coats. Their tails have alternating black and gray stripes, making them easily recognizable. One of their coolest features is their flexible front paws with five toes, allowing them to grasp and manipulate objects like food and doorknobs. Their long, bushy tails help them balance while climbing trees or swimming, showcasing their clever and resourceful nature!
Eastern Box Turtles are small, with dome-shaped shells that are usually brown they have yellow or orange patterns on their legs and head. Rarely swimming, they prefer land, as their tall shells make water movement challenging.
Adult Eastern Ratsnakes are black with a black-and-white checkerboard belly. Young snakes have dark spots on gray bodies that fade over time. They’re often mistaken for Black Racers, but unlike Racers, they have rougher scales and a checkerboard belly.
The Northern Mockingbird is a gray bird with a white wing stripe that’s visible in flight. Known for mimicking sounds, it imitates other birds and even car alarms to stay safe. If you hear unusual bird sounds, it might be a clever Northern Mockingbird!