Blue-Bellied Roller

Generally feed on large invertebrates such as beetles, grasshoppers, winged ants, and termites. They may also feed on some small vertebrates and palm-oil fruits.
Western and central Africa, from Senegal to southern Sudan, found in wooded savanna, tree plantations, forest edges, recently burned land, and forests near marshes.
Blue-bellied rollers will dive straight down towards their prey from 30 feet in the air. They are known to fly towards grass fires to catch the fleeing insects. The call of blue-bellied roller is a harsh clicking ga-ga-ga sound.
Blue-Bellied Rollers are small birds with large heads. They have downward-curved beaks for catching insects and short legs for perching. Their plumage features a cream-colored head and chest, dark blue bellies and wings, with a light blue stripe on their wings and tail. Their tails have two streamers that trail behind them in flight, adding to their beauty and making them easily recognizable.
Did you Know?
During courtship, rollers will roll or tumble through the air and to the ground while calling to their potential mates.
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