
February 23, 2025
We Need Your Help!
Mill Mountain Zoo has been hit by massive storms, knocking over trees and causing damage to our beautiful zoo. Help us by donating to our GoFundMe.
January 15, 2025
How Animals Cope With Extreme Cold: Weird Winter Adaptations
There’s nothing like winter to get us excited about hot chocolate, sitting by a fire, baking comfort food and bundling up in cozy layers. Here are nine examples of noteworthy animal efforts at getting through winter.
December 16, 2024
Real Reindeer Are More Amazing Than You Ever Imagined
Glowing noses, hooves that go click-click-click and more true facts about reindeer.
November 6, 2024
Hibernation vs Brumation: To Sleep or not To Sleep
All other species do not have the ability to change their environment during relative extreme fluctuations in environmental temperature. This begs the question, to “sleep” or not to “sleep” – hibernation vs brumation?
October 1, 2024
Horror Icons And The Wildlife That Inspired Them
An ancient and anxious voice from the deepest recesses of your brain speaks to you as you walk through the woods: did you hear that? Nearly instantly, you can think of all the possible dangers that might be lurking in the dark: wolves, snakes, hostile members of our own species.
September 13, 2023
The Future Looks Bright for the Rare Red Wolf
Red Wolves never received the same fanfare as their western gray counterparts, but their recovery story is nonetheless similarly powerful. Over 30 years of knowledge and experience show us what's possible when advocacy and dedication come together to save a species.
April 22, 2024
Mill Mountain Zoo Trivia
See if you can answer this trivia question!
March 7, 2016
Why Buying a Pet Rabbit for Easter is Not Your Best Idea
I will admit that I was irresponsible when I brought my baby pet rabbit home from the pet shop. I had no idea what raising a baby rabbit entailed. I had no idea about proper feeding, health, housing or care. I got no help from the pet shop and I naively thought that it couldn’t possibly be that difficult.
March 13, 2024
Creating an MMZ account
How to make a Mill Mountain Zoo Account
February 15, 2024
What is Land Conservation & How Do You Talk to Kids About It?
With worldwide focus on climate change and how that will effect our environments, how do we talk to kids about conservation in a way that doesn’t scare them or bore them?
February 6, 2025
Name a Bug After Your Ex
Happy Un-Valentine's Day!! This year give an "un-gift" and name a bug after you Ex!
January 3, 2024
Do Bears Really Hibernate?
Many animals once thought to hibernate, including bears, really only enter a lighter sleep-state called torpor. Like hibernation, torpor is a survival tactic used by animals to survive the winter months, and is triggered by colder temperatures and decreased food availability.
May 13, 2020
Work on Bear Exhibit Progresses
We may be closed to the public, but R.L Price is hard at work getting the black bear exhibit constructed. We can’t wait until it’s complete, and you all can come up to see it!
September 14, 2021
Activities and Lessons to do with your Kids
We’re here to help parents and teachers as we enter this unusual school year!

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